


お見積り お問い合わせ

Laser Engine Solutions for Life Science

NEW Versatile Laser Engine (VLE)

  • Up to 10 laser lines
  • Wavelength range 405-785 nm
  • 50 – 200 mW range
  • 2 output ports
Specifications お見積り

High Power Laser Engine (HLE)

  • Up to 10 laser lines
  • Wavelength range 405-785 nm
  • 150 - 2500 mW range
  • 3 output ports
Specifications お見積り

Laser Engines Techniques Matrix

Technology HLE VLE
Confocal Microscopy √ √ √ √ √ √
Widefield √ √ √ √ √ √
SRRF-Stream √ √ √ √ √ √
Live Cell Imaging √ √ √ √ √ √
Borealis TIRF √ √ √ √ √
Spatial Transcriptomics √ √ √ √ √
Photostimulation (MicroPoint) √ √ √ √ √
Photostimulation (Mosaic) √ √ √ -
SMLM - DNA Paint √ √ √ -
SMLM – dSTORM √ √ √ -


Versatile Laser Engine

New – Versatile and upgradable multiline laser source

Versatile Laser Engine
Laser Lines - Up to 10
Wavelength Range - 405-785nm
Fibre Type - Multimode
Output Ports - 2
Power - 50-200 mW range

High Power Laser Engine

Industry-Leading Power, Flexibility, Classic Wavelengths

High Power Laser Engine
Laser Lines - Up to 10
Wavelength Range - 405-785nm
Fibre Type - Multimode
Output Ports - 3
Power - 150-2500 mW range

Laser Engines for Microscopy Applications

SMLM - Super-resolution (DNA –PAINT)

In DNA-PAINT - Point Accumulation In Nanoscale Topography - the sample is labelled with antibodies conjugated to short, single strands of DNA called docking strands (non fluorescent). The imager strand (attached to the fluorochrome) is in solution and binds stochastically to the docking strand creating the “blinking events”.

  • HLE provide intense laser illumination to highlight binding events for high-precision localization.
  • HLE in combination with B-TIRF 6-20 nm resolution can be achieved

SMLM - Super-resolution (dSTORM)

dSTORM - uses small organic dyes (such as AF647, Atto488) that can have 3 excitation sates. High laser powers are needed to achieve the dark state.

  • The patented Borealis® optical configuration allows illumination zoom (iZoom) in the Dragonfly 600 series. iZoom enables power density multiplication in reduced fields of illumination.
  • HLE raises the bar on power density for single molecule localization techniques such as dSTORM especially when combined with B-TIRF, delivering enough power to reach the dark state and to perform dSTORM experiments even without the need of iZoom.


TIRF (total internal reflection imaging) is a widely used technique for single molecule studies. Andor have developed Borealis-TIRF (B-TIRF) to overcome the common aberrations of TIRF. B-TIRF exploits super-critical angle incidence to create a uniform evanescent field with full control of power density. For SMLM application and if used with suitable chemistry B-TIRF provides near perfect visualization of molecular blinking events across the widest field of view.

  • B-TIRF can be optimised for both 60x and 100x TIRF lenses
  • In combination with HLE, B-TIRF delivers the optimal conditions for single molecule studies
  • B-TIRF deliver excellent results in Imaging dynamic events at the edge of the coverslip (e.g. membrane fusion events, receptor signalling, and infection dynamics)

Spatial Transcriptomics

Imaging tissue is the target of spatial “omics” research, which aims to understand tissue architecture, its spatial organization and how this impacts the genetic and functional profile of individual cells in-situ. Large tissue volumes are imaged, and fast imaging is an essential requirement.​

  • HLE and VLE deliver the spectral output for high performance imaging.
  • HLE and VLE deliver the necessary power high performance imaging omics imaging.
  • HLE delivers the next level of productivity due to high lasers powers combined with decreased image acquisition time.

Live Cell Imaging

Live cell imaging requires low phototoxicity/ photobleaching. Tight laser control is required to provide the minimum laser intensity needed in the experimental protocol. In many cases high temporal resolution is required, examples are applications such as microtubule dynamics, or cilia beating.

  • Low light levels are achieved in VLE and HLE by using the neutral density (ND) filters in the excitation light path, delivering up to 1000X attenuation in the laser power reaching the sample.
  • Image tumour development or hours or days with VLE or HLE
  • Image deeper into live thick brain tissue with NIR wavelengths


Photostimulation uses light to activate compounds in cells, tissues or organisms. This non-invasive process addresses several biological questions such as mapping neuronal connections, timely tracking protein cells, etc. Andor manufactures two photo stimulation devices: Mosaic 3 (DMD based) and MicroPoint 4 (fast galvo scanning).

HLE can be used as a light source for Mosaic and MicroPoint. The ILE can be used as light source for MicroPoint.

Application examples:

  • Map gene expression, e.g. in live lymph node sections
  • Address the mechanisms of mitotic fidelity.
  • Study the effect of DNA damage.
  • Address the effects of wound healing and repair C. elegans.