高解像度低照度 Andor CB2 sCMOSカメラ
ZL41 Waveは、網羅的なイメージング機能とスペクトル測定機能を備え、速度、感度、ダイナミックレンジ、解像度において優れた性能を発揮します。ZL 41 Waveは費用対効果にも優れています。コンパクトで高機能な熱電冷却設計と、従来のZylaシリーズの特長をベースに再設計され強化されたセンサーチャンバーの効果により、様々な光学研究の実験室や天文台などの環境に非常に適しています。また、様々なソフトウェア開発環境をサポートしています。
ZL41 Wave 4.2は、最大量子効率82%と4.2メガピクセルのセンサー、非常に低い0.9 e-読み取りノイズにより卓越した感度を提供します。天文学、量子イメージング、量子コンピューティング、分光学、および3 Dトモグラフィー分野での低光量のアプリケーションにおける高フレームレート撮影に最適です。
ZL41 Wave 5.5は、5.5メガピクセルのセンサーと広い視野を有する費用対効果の高い、様々な場面でご利用頂けるカメラです。さらに、ローリングとグローバルシャッター機能の両方が利用可能です。グローバルシャッターは、粒子画像流速測定法 (PIV)や 天体追跡、流体力学などに使用できます。
NEW 32-bit binning mode - Access huge dynamic range through extensive pixel binning. User-selectable data bit-depth up to 32-bit, transmitted upstream over the camera interface.
Spectroscopy mode - On-head asymmetric pixel binning and multitrack. Spectroscopist-friendly spectra and multi-track data, prior to transfer through 10-tap or USB interface. Upstream data size reduction and easier user data processing.
Fast Spectroscopy: Up to 27,000 spectra/sec - Study of transient spectral phenomena with sub-millisecond time resolution
PIV capability (ZL41 Wave 5.5) - Perfect for fluid dynamics, Global Shutter mode of ZL41 Wave 5.5 facilitating image pair acqusition with an inter-frame gap of down to 100 ns.
NEW Operate down to -20°C ambient temp - Ideal for use at higher elevation observatories under cold conditions.
ZERO etaloning in the NIR - Front-illuminated sensor architecture, no unwanted signal modulation in the NIR compared to back-illuminated devices
GPU Express - Simplify and optimize data transfer from the camera - ideal for today's data intensive imaging experiments. Leverage CUDA-enabled NVidia GPU processing to accelerate the data acquisition pipeline.
Linux, Windows, Labview and Matlab ready - Full and flexible SDK options for a wide variety of physical science laboratory and observatory uses.
NEW Python ready - Python wrapper integration and full supporting documentation in latest camera SDK helps integration and full control of custom-build systems.
NEW ASCOM, EPICS and Tango ready - Supported in open source software platforms. ASCOM astronomy instrument control standard; EPICS and Tango Lima are used for hardware control at a number of particle accelerators and large scientific instruments facilities worldwide.
NEW Enhanced image quality - Updated QC processes ensure every ZL41 Wave delivers optimal image quality. Ultra-low Photon Response Non-Uniformity (PRNU) for clear, uniform images.
NEW Enhanced sensor chamber - An updated sensor chamber provides even greater long-term protection from condensation in high humidity environments (3 year chamber warranty).
5.5 and 4.2 megapixel formats - Sharp resolution over a large field of view. Ideal for astronomy, area scanning applications or multi-track spectroscopy.
QEmax up to 82% - Highest available photon capture efficiency across visible/NIR.
~ 1 e- Read Noise - Noise floor down to 0.9e-. Lower detection limit than any CCD.
100 fps (Camera Link) - Zyla offers ‘10-tap’ Camera Link for maximum sustained frame rates.