

連続ヘリウムフロー式顕微分光測定用 4 K クライオスタットシステム。

  • 温度範囲:3.2 K - 500 K

  • 短い冷却時間,少ない液体ヘリウム消費量

  • 短いワーキングディスタンス


  • 温度範囲:3.2 K - 500 K。ロータリーポンプ使用時は、2.2 Kまで到達可能
  • 約10分間で4.2 K まで冷却
  • 少ない液体ヘリウム消費量:<0.45 L/h (低損失トランスファーチューブ使用時)
  • 小型かつ軽量 - わずか 1.5 Kg
  • 短いワーキングディスタンス:3 mm 以下
  • 優れた光学アクセス。反射光角度は二直交方向に110 度まで
  • 試料への10-ピン電気配線により、電気測定が可能
  • MercuryiTC 温度コントローラが付属
  • 1年間の標準保証

Low cryogen consumption: Brings significant benefits in terms of running cost

Simple: The experimental windows and sample holders can be easily changed

Easy to use: A range of window materials are available. Please contact your local sales representative for more information

Software control: Oxford Instruments electronics products are controllable through the software using RS232, USB (serial emulation), TCP/IP or GPIB interfaces. LabVIEW function libraries and virtual instruments are provided for Oxford Instruments electronics products to allow PC-based control and monitoring. These can be integrated into a complete LabVIEW data acquisition system

Versatile: The MicrostatHe-R “cold unit” is interchangeable between the MicrostatHe and OptistatCF-V, enabling a modular set of optical cryostats for huge experimental flexibility

Temperature range: 3.2 to 500 K, may be extended down to 2.2 K 

Temperature stability: ± 0.1 K

System may also be run with liquid nitrogen, temperature range: 77 to 500 K

Liquid helium consumption at 4.2 K: < 0.45 l/hr

Cool down consumption: 1.3 litres (nominal)

Room temperature to base temperature: approx. 10 minutes with pre-cooled transfer siphon

Cryostat weight: 1.5 kg

A typical system comprises of:

  • Cryostat
  • Transfer siphon
  • Gas flow
  • Temperature Controller
  • Accessories and Manuals
  • Software

Micro-FTIR: Study of molecular bonds in crystal lattices

Micro-Raman Scattering and inelastic light scattering: Study of molecular energy levels

Micro-luminescence: Studies of Quantum Dot structures in AS/GaHS

Micro-Photoluminescence / Micro-Photoluminescence: Study of semiconductors

Micro-luminescence: Quantum systems, dots/wires/wells


