Versatile: The MicrostatHiRes can be fitted with an interchangeable pillar for easy integration into a magnet bore.
Low cryogen consumption: Brings significant benefits in terms of running cost.
Simple: The experimental windows and sample holders can be easily changed.
Easy to use: A range of window materials are available. Please contact your local sales representative for more information.
Software control: Oxford Instruments electronics products are controllable through the software using RS232, USB (serial emulation), TCP/IP or GPIB interfaces. LabVIEW function libraries and virtual instruments are provided for Oxford Instruments electronics products to allow PC-based control and monitoring. These can be integrated into a complete LabVIEW data acquisition system.
A typical system comprises of:
Micro-FTIR: Study of molecular bonds in crystal lattices
Micro-Raman Scattering and inelastic light scattering: Study of molecular energy levels
Micro-luminescence: Studies of Quantum Dot structures in AS/GaHS
Micro-Photoluminescence / Micro-Photoluminescence: Study of semiconductors
Micro-luminescence: Quantum systems, dots/wires/wells